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Top 200 Idioms

These are the 200 most commonly used English idioms and their meanings. While learning idioms might seem difficult and time-consuming, it’ll help you to speak in more interesting ways and sound more natural among native English speakers.

Siddharth Raayan
Siddharth RaayanImproving English

a quick buck

  • phrase:a quick buck

1)easily and quickly earned money.

"they were seen as more eager to make a quick buck"

a tall order

  • phrase:a tall order

1)an unreasonable or difficult demand.

"they thought that the deadline was a tall order"

all the way up

  • phrase:all the way
  • phrase:all the way up

1)without limit or reservation.

"I'm with you all the way"

alma mater

  • noun:alma mater
  • plural noun:alma maters

1)the school, college, or university that one once attended.

"he started teaching at his alma mater"

as bold as brass

  • phrase:as bold as brass

1)confident to the point of impudence.

"she marched into the library as bold as brass"

as thick as thieves

  • phrase:as thick as thieves

1)(of two or more people) very close or friendly; sharing secrets.

"he and Auntie Lou were as thick as thieves"

at cross purposes

  • phrase:at cross purposes

1)misunderstanding or having different aims from one another.

"we had been talking at cross purposes"

back to the wall

  • phrase:with one's back to the wall
  • phrase:back to the wall

1)in a desperate situation.

bad blood

  • noun:bad blood

1)ill feeling.

"there has always been bad blood between these families"

bare bones

  • adjective:bare-bones
  • adjective:barebones

1)reduced to or comprising only the basic or essential elements of something.

"a bare-bones version of the story"

bat an eye

  • phrase:not bat an eye
  • phrase:bat an eye

1)show no surprise or concern.

"when he told me what he'd done, I didn't bat an eye"

beau monde

  • noun:beau monde
  • plural noun:beaux mondes

1)fashionable society.

"London was the center of this jet-hopping beau monde"

been around

  • phrase:have been around
  • phrase:been around

1)have a lot of varied experience and understanding of the world.

"look, I've been around, I know what happens with kids like you"

behind bars

  • phrase:behind bars

1)in prison.

"he had already spent four months behind bars on remand"

bent out of shape

  • phrase:bent out of shape

1)angry or agitated.

"he'd changed a few things around, and Glen was a little bent out of shape about it"

  • phrase:out of shape
  • phrase:bent out of shape

1)no longer having the correct or original form or contours.

"the front wheel of the bicycle was all out of shape"

2)(of a person) in poor physical condition; unfit.

"he was overweight and out of shape"

between the devil and the deep blue sea

  • phrase:between the devil and the deep blue sea

1)in a difficult situation where there are two equally unpleasant choices.

between you and me

  • phrase:between you and me

1)in confidence.

"just between you and me, he's a bit boring"

beyond the pale

  • phrase:beyond the pale

1)outside the bounds of acceptable behaviour.

"the language my father used was beyond the pale"

big brother

  • noun:Big Brother
  • plural noun:Big Brothers

1)a person or organization exercising total control over people's lives.

big gun

  • phrase:big gun

1)an important or powerful person.

"the first baseman and the center fielder were the big guns of that team"

Showing 1 - 20 of 200 items
Showing 1 - 20 of 200 items