Top 50 Verbs

These are the 50 most commonly used English Verbs. This is useful for learning English quickly. When you can use all these words with confidence, your English vocabulary will be fully functional.

Siddharth Raayan
Siddharth RaayanImproving English


  • verb:accept
  • 3rd person present:accepts
  • past tense:accepted
  • past participle:accepted
  • gerund or present participle:accepting

1)consent to receive (a thing offered).

"he accepted a pen as a present"

2)believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.

"this tentative explanation came to be accepted by the group"


  • verb:act
  • 3rd person present:acts
  • past tense:acted
  • past participle:acted
  • gerund or present participle:acting

1)take action; do something.

"they urged Washington to act"

2)behave in the way specified.

"they followed the man who was seen acting suspiciously"


  • verb:bake
  • 3rd person present:bakes
  • past tense:baked
  • past participle:baked
  • gerund or present participle:baking

1)cook (food) by dry heat without direct exposure to a flame, typically in an oven or on a hot surface.

"they bake their own bread and cakes"

2)(of the sun or other agency) subject (something) to dry heat, especially so as to harden it.

"the sun has baked the earth a dusty brown"


  • verb:behave
  • 3rd person present:behaves
  • past tense:behaved
  • past participle:behaved
  • gerund or present participle:behaving

1)act or conduct oneself in a specified way, especially toward others.

"he always behaved like a gentleman"

2)conduct oneself in accordance with the accepted norms of a society or group.

"they were expected to behave themselves"


  • verb:close
  • 3rd person present:closes
  • past tense:closed
  • past participle:closed
  • gerund or present participle:closing

1)move or cause to move so as to cover an opening.

"she jumped into the train just as the doors were closing"

2)bring or come to an end.

"the members were thanked for attending and the meeting was closed"


  • verb:compare
  • 3rd person present:compares
  • past tense:compared
  • past participle:compared
  • gerund or present participle:comparing

1)estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.

"individual schools compared their facilities with those of others in the area"

2)form the comparative and superlative degrees of (an adjective or an adverb).

"words of one syllable are usually compared by “-er” and “-est.”"


  • verb:compete
  • 3rd person present:competes
  • past tense:competed
  • past participle:competed
  • gerund or present participle:competing

1)strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same.

"universities are competing for applicants"


  • verb:die
  • 3rd person present:dies
  • past tense:died
  • past participle:died
  • gerund or present participle:dying

1)(of a person, animal, or plant) stop living.

"the king died a violent death"

2)used to emphasize that one wants to do or have something very much.

"they must be dying for a drink"


  • verb:disagree
  • 3rd person present:disagrees
  • past tense:disagreed
  • past participle:disagreed
  • gerund or present participle:disagreeing

1)have or express a different opinion.

"no one was willing to disagree with him"

2)(of statements or accounts) be inconsistent or fail to correspond.

"the results disagree with the findings reported so far"


  • verb:disturb
  • 3rd person present:disturbs
  • past tense:disturbed
  • past participle:disturbed
  • gerund or present participle:disturbing

1)interfere with the normal arrangement or functioning of.

"being sent to jail had apparently not disturbed his cheerfulness"


  • verb:dress
  • 3rd person present:dresses
  • past tense:dressed
  • past participle:dressed
  • gerund or present participle:dressing

1)put on one's clothes.

"Graham showered and dressed quickly"

2)decorate (something) in an artistic or attractive way.

"they had dressed the doorframes with sprays of bittersweet"


  • verb:dry
  • 3rd person present:dries
  • past tense:dried
  • past participle:dried
  • gerund or present participle:drying

1)become dry.

"allow 24 hours for the paint to dry"

2)forget one's lines.

"a colleague of mine once dried in the middle of a scene"


  • verb:eliminate
  • 3rd person present:eliminates
  • past tense:eliminated
  • past participle:eliminated
  • gerund or present participle:eliminating

1)completely remove or get rid of (something).

"a policy that would eliminate inflation"


  • verb:end
  • 3rd person present:ends
  • past tense:ended
  • past participle:ended
  • gerund or present participle:ending

1)come or bring to a final point; finish.

"when the war ended, policy changed"


  • verb:enjoy
  • 3rd person present:enjoys
  • past tense:enjoyed
  • past participle:enjoyed
  • gerund or present participle:enjoying

1)take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).

"Joe enjoys reading Icelandic family sagas"

2)possess and benefit from.

"the security forces enjoy legal immunity from prosecution"


  • verb:fix
  • 3rd person present:fixes
  • past tense:fixed
  • past participle:fixed
  • gerund or present participle:fixing

1)fasten (something) securely in a particular place or position.

"fix the clamp on a rail"

2)decide or settle on (a specific price, date, course of action, etc.).

"no date has yet been fixed for a hearing"


  • verb:follow
  • 3rd person present:follows
  • past tense:followed
  • past participle:followed
  • gerund or present participle:following

1)go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.

"she went back into the house, and Ben followed her"

2)come after in time or order.

"the six years that followed his restoration"


  • verb:freeze
  • 3rd person present:freezes
  • past tense:froze
  • gerund or present participle:freezing
  • past participle:frozen

1)(of a liquid) be turned into ice or another solid as a result of extreme cold.

"in the winter the milk froze"

2)store (something) at a very low temperature in order to preserve it.

"the cake can be frozen"


  • verb:fry
  • 3rd person present:fries
  • past tense:fried
  • past participle:fried
  • gerund or present participle:frying

1)cook (food) in hot fat or oil, typically in a shallow pan.

"she fried a rasher of bacon, a sausage and a slice of bread"


"drugs fry the brain"


  • verb:greet
  • 3rd person present:greets
  • past tense:greeted
  • past participle:greeted
  • gerund or present participle:greeting

1)give a polite word or sign of welcome or recognition to (someone) on meeting.

"some of the customers greeted the barman in Gaelic"

  • verb:greet
  • 3rd person present:greets
  • past tense:greeted
  • past participle:greeted
  • gerund or present participle:greeting

1)weep; cry.

"he sat down on the armchair and started to greet"

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