Top 100 Verbs

These are the 100 most commonly used English Verbs. This is useful for learning English quickly. When you can use all these words with confidence, your English vocabulary will be fully functional.

Siddharth Raayan
Siddharth RaayanImproving English


  • verb:abash
  • 3rd person present:abashes
  • past tense:abashed
  • past participle:abashed
  • gerund or present participle:abashing

1)make (someone) feel embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.

"if anything was officially done or said to him, it did not abash him"


  • verb:abate
  • 3rd person present:abates
  • past tense:abated
  • past participle:abated
  • gerund or present participle:abating

1)(of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread.

"the storm suddenly abated"


  • verb:abide
  • 3rd person present:abides
  • past tense:abided
  • past participle:abided
  • gerund or present participle:abiding

1)accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).

"I said I would abide by their decision"

2)be unable to tolerate (someone or something).

"if there is one thing I cannot abide it is a lack of discipline"


  • verb:absorb
  • 3rd person present:absorbs
  • past tense:absorbed
  • past participle:absorbed
  • gerund or present participle:absorbing

1)take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.

"buildings can be designed to absorb and retain heat"

2)take up the attention of (someone); interest greatly.

"she sat in an armchair, absorbed in a book"


  • verb:accept
  • 3rd person present:accepts
  • past tense:accepted
  • past participle:accepted
  • gerund or present participle:accepting

1)consent to receive (a thing offered).

"he accepted a pen as a present"

2)believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.

"this tentative explanation came to be accepted by the group"


  • verb:accompany
  • 3rd person present:accompanies
  • past tense:accompanied
  • past participle:accompanied
  • gerund or present participle:accompanying

1)go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.

"the two sisters were to accompany us to New York"

2)be present or occur at the same time as (something else).

"the illness is often accompanied by nausea"


  • verb:ache
  • 3rd person present:aches
  • past tense:ached
  • past participle:ached
  • gerund or present participle:aching

1)suffer from a continuous dull pain.

"my legs ached from the previous day's exercise"


  • verb:add
  • 3rd person present:adds
  • past tense:added
  • past participle:added
  • gerund or present participle:adding

1)join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount.

"I've started a petition so if you would like to add your name, email me"

2)put in (an additional element, ingredient, etc.).

"chlorine is added to the water to kill bacteria"


  • verb:allow
  • 3rd person present:allows
  • past tense:allowed
  • past participle:allowed
  • gerund or present participle:allowing

1)give (someone) permission to do something.

"the dissident was allowed to leave the country"

2)give the necessary time or opportunity for.

"he stopped for a moment to allow his eyes to adjust"


  • verb:appear
  • 3rd person present:appears
  • past tense:appeared
  • past participle:appeared
  • gerund or present participle:appearing

1)come into sight; become visible or noticeable, typically without visible agent or apparent cause.

"smoke appeared on the horizon"

2)seem; give the impression of being.

"she appeared not to know what was happening"


  • verb:ask
  • 3rd person present:asks
  • past tense:asked
  • past participle:asked
  • gerund or present participle:asking

1)say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.

"people are always asking questions"

2)request (someone) to do or give something.

"Mary asked her father for money"


  • verb:be
  • 3rd person present:is
  • 3rd person present:are
  • 3rd person present:am
  • past tense:was
  • past tense:were
  • gerund or present participle:being
  • past participle:been


"there are no easy answers"

2)occur; take place.

"the exhibition will be in November"

  • verb:be
  • 3rd person present:is
  • 3rd person present:are
  • 3rd person present:am
  • past tense:was
  • past tense:were
  • gerund or present participle:being
  • past participle:been

1)used with a present participle to form continuous tenses.

"they are coming"

2)used with a past participle to form the passive mood.

"it was done"


  • verb:become
  • 3rd person present:becomes
  • past tense:became
  • gerund or present participle:becoming
  • past participle:become

1)begin to be.

"it is becoming clear that we are in a totally new situation"

2)(of clothing) look good on or suit (someone).

"the dress becomes her"


  • verb:begin
  • 3rd person present:begins
  • past tense:began
  • gerund or present participle:beginning
  • past participle:begun

1)start; perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).

"it was beginning to snow"

2)not have any chance or likelihood of doing a specified thing.

"circuitry that Karen could not begin to comprehend"


  • verb:believe
  • 3rd person present:believes
  • past tense:believed
  • past participle:believed
  • gerund or present participle:believing

1)accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.

"the superintendent believed Lancaster's story"

2)hold (something) as an opinion; think or suppose.

"I believe we've already met"


  • verb:bring
  • 3rd person present:brings
  • past tense:brought
  • past participle:brought
  • gerund or present participle:bringing

1)take or go with (someone or something) to a place.

"she brought Luke home from the hospital"

2)cause (someone or something) to be in a particular state or condition.

"it was an economic policy that would have brought the country to bankruptcy"


  • verb:build
  • 3rd person present:builds
  • past tense:built
  • past participle:built
  • gerund or present participle:building

1)construct (something) by putting parts or material together.

"the ironworks were built in 1736"

2)make stronger or more intense.

"we built up confidence in our abilities"


  • verb:buy
  • 3rd person present:buys
  • past tense:bought
  • past participle:bought
  • gerund or present participle:buying

1)obtain in exchange for payment.

"he bought me a new dress"

2)accept the truth of.

"I am not prepared to buy the claim that the ends justify the means"


  • modal verb:can
  • modal verb:could

1)be able to.

"they can run fast"

2)be permitted to.

"you can use the phone if you want to"

  • verb:can
  • 3rd person present:cans
  • past tense:canned
  • past participle:canned
  • gerund or present participle:canning

1)preserve (food) in a can.

"sardines and anchovies are worth the extra money if canned in olive oil"

2)dismiss (someone) from their job.

"he was canned because of a fight over promotion"


  • verb:change
  • 3rd person present:changes
  • past tense:changed
  • past participle:changed
  • gerund or present participle:changing

1)make (someone or something) different; alter or modify.

"both parties voted against proposals to change the law"

2)replace (something) with something else, especially something of the same kind that is newer or better; substitute one thing for (another).

"she decided to change her name"

Showing 1 - 20 of 100 items
Showing 1 - 20 of 100 items