HomeHow it worksHow to add known cards ?
Aruljothi Parthiban
Aruljothi Parthiban
10 Oct 20221 min read

How to add known cards ?

The cards that you are already familiar with are called known cards. On the known cards page, you can add cards that you already know the meaning for.

Adding cards

Click Add Cards button

Known cards

The popup window for adding cards appears

Add known cards

You can enter cards one per line and click the Save button.

Saving known cards

Now, cards have been successfully added to the list. Besides manually adding cards here, you can mark any card as known if you come across it.

Known cards


On the community page, you can mark the card as known if you know its meaning.

Mark as known in community


As you search meaning, you can mark the card as known.

Mark as known in search


As you study, you can mark the card as known. As soon as you mark that card as known, it will no longer appear in the study.

Mark as known as you study

View Cards

View cards section allows marking multiple cards as known.

Mark as known in view cards
CardKnown cards